Yearly Archive: 2015
Notes From The Field > 2015
Mike Pingleton
December 31, 2015
Drymarchon, HerpMapper
The end of the year traditionally requires an accounting of said year – and a very good year it was! I added 41 notches to my life list, got out in the field with lots of old friends, and made some new ones along the way. Here are some highlight…
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Mike Pingleton
December 22, 2015
Sea Turtle Rescue
Hit Me With Your Nature Stick is one of my favorite field herping blogs. Mike and Andrea Howlett chronicle their herping adventures with a passion and excitement that make me wish I was there, and their latest post is no exception. Do yourself a favor and check out their account…
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Mike Pingleton
November 27, 2015
Life Listicles
Maltese Falcon, San Francisco Garter Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia
“It’s the stuff dreams are made of” -Sam Spade My first awareness of the San Francisco Garter Snake came in the early seventies, when I came across a first edition of Stebbins’ western field guide. Like many herpers, I’ve been thinking about that snake ever since my first glimpse. To…
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Mike Pingleton
November 13, 2015
HerpMapper, KHS, Snoring Thunder, Sternberg Museum
It’s a long way from my house to Hays, Kansas. Eleven hours behind the wheel is enough to make one wobbly, wild-eyed and weary, but the annual meeting of the Kansas Herpetological Society was worth it. A big part of the KHS meeting are the presentations that occupy the daytime…
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Mike Pingleton
November 2, 2015
Life Listicles
Pipa, Pipa toad, Suriname Toad
The rainy season paid no attention to the calendar and the downpours continued. The water was high at the Madre Selva field station, high enough to reach the steps of the kitchen tambo, and to leave the station’s generator on its own island. The boats were tied up close to…
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Mike Pingleton
November 1, 2015
Field Herping
Gray Treefrogs, Hyla chrysocelis, Hyla versicolor
…was a frog. Or rather, a dozen frogs. Recently, Tracey Mitchell and I made one last trip to the southern portion of Illinois, in hopes of finding a few more serpents before the door slammed for good on the season. Temperatures the previous night had dropped into the lower thirties,…
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Mike Pingleton
November 1, 2015
Life Listicles
Baja Sur, Cape Aquatic Garter Snake, Thamnophis, Thamnophis valida celaeno
I arrived a day later than the rest of the 2013 expedition to Baja Sur, in order to save myself $250 on the plane ticket. Consequently, I missed out on the first day’s catch, including a large calling congress of Spotted Toads (Bufo punctatus), and several Cape Aquatic Garter Snakes…
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Mike Pingleton
October 4, 2015
field herping, herp
I started field herping in the early 1970s. I’ve been blogging about herps since 1996. Of course, blogging hadn’t been invented yet, but nobody told us, the handful of proto-bloggers who felt the compulsion to write about our adventures with amphibians and reptiles. I used to write lengthy missives about…
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